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Bio of Dr Chiang Wen Chin, Paediatrician

By Published On: February 6th, 2013

Dr Chiang Wen Chin is a Paediatrician, specialized in treating a wide array of paediatric allergy and immunology conditions. Dr Chiang has a special interest in food allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis, drug allergy and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).

Dr Chiang holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the Nottingham University, United Kingdom. She went on to earn her specialist qualifications of Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and membership at the Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom in 2011.

She has also been conferred Fellowship by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. In addition, Dr Chiang is also a committee member of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society (ACIS), Singapore.

Prior to setting up her private practice, Dr Chiang held the position of Consultant at the Department of Paediatric Medicine in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. She was instrumental in setting up the sublingual Immunotherapy program and food and drug provocation programs in KK Woman’s and Children’s Hospital. The Ministry of Health awarded Dr Chiang with the Health Manpower Development Programme Fellowship and she underwent advanced training in Paediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Duke University, USA.

Established in 1980, Chiang Baby & Child Clinic offers comprehensive medical care for babies and children. In 2012, the clinic expanded its services to deliver and improve the care of asthma and allergy conditions in children with the addition of Chiang Children’s Allergy and Asthma Clinic.

The Allergy and Respiratory Laboratory Service for spirometry and skin prick testing is also available at Dr Chiang’s clinic to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, food allergy and sublingual immunotherapy management.

Questions and Answers

Can we give colic medications (e.g. gripe water) to newborns as a daily routine right from the start? Does it harm their digestion? 

Answer: Not all babies develop colic and there is no necessity to pre treat most newborn babies with colic medications unless there is an indication to. Gripe water is a herbal supplementation and mostly safe in use in newborns.

Can you please advise the amount of feeds I can give to my 1-month old baby daily? 

Answer: Newborn babies usually take a minimal volume of 150 ml x weight / No of feeds in a day. So a 5kg baby feeding 4hourly (6 feeds a day) will need 120 mls per feed

Do you have any recommendations on getting my toddler to take more vegetables?


1. Children often learn by mimicking adults. The parent eating vegetables with enjoyment and gusto, the child will more likely follow.

2. Always attempt to try the new foods up to 15-20 times as the child learns to acquire the taste to the new foods. Even small bites are good exposure for the child when exposed to new foods.

3. Vegetables can be pureed into any of their food and a good mix of purees with vegetables usually can be mixed in with the rice porridge, mashed potatoes, pasta dishes.

My 6-month old baby tends to cry a lot just minutes before he falls asleep on his own in the cot. He is otherwise very well. Is there anything important I need to look out for? 

Answer: Some babies fuss a little before they sleep. It is better on the long run to try to pat the baby to sleep on the cot and not try to carry or rock the baby to sleep. Eventually, the baby may learn to self soothe to sleep.

For more information, please check out her profile page