Site Sponsor Intro:
The journey of motherhood from conception and all the way till parenthood can be a long roller coaster ride to most. From moments filled with loads of magical moments, joy, laughter and including moments of morning sickness, muscle aches and stretch marks.
At times like this, mothers often seek to look for relieve in the common pregnancy problems, such as stretch mark prevention and reduction.
About PregMassage.Com.Sg
We have the honour of meeting Sheron, the co-founder of PregMassage. Sheron, together with her team of highly trained professionals, believe in helping mothers cope with the mother’s problems during pregnancy and regain their health & beauty after birth.
The kind folks are currently having a great promotion. First pre-natal massage, absolutely free-of-charge!
Check our the promotion here
Phone: +65 9655 6112 (Mon to Sat: 10am to 7pm)
Products Used feels the importance of using reliable and safe products on our mummies during their pregnancy and after birth especially during breastfeeding. Hence, they have chosen to use High Quality Certified Natural and Organic Products (from Australia) to ensure the finest and purest ingredients for our mummies. With finest and purest ingredients being use during the massage therapy, mummies will get to enjoy the benefits of the robust therapeutic effect after each massage with Preg Massage Therapy.
Pre-natal Massage Therapy
A relaxing & soothing massage carefully designed to help mummies effectively and safely cope with some of the common problems during pregnancy. It can also improve the overall well-being of the mummy, both physically and mentally, who will influence the well-being of their baby. The range of massage therapies are designed to cater for all mummies, be it remedy for your pregnancy-related problems or simply indulgence for your body and soul, we have something just for you.
Post-natal Massage Therapy
Popularly known as Jamu Massage today. Originated from palaces of Central Java in the 17th Century which is reserved for those who are deemed worthy of royal treatments. This Traditional Jamu Massage is performed on mummies as part of their post-natal confinement rituals for holistic healing and rejuvenation. At Preg Massage Therapy, they combined Traditional Jamu Massage with Natural Aromatherapy to help our mummies regain their health and beauty.
Check out the testimonials by satisfied mums
(Note: It’s loooooooooong….)
Lazy to read all the testimonials? Check our their facebook page : PregMassage
Want to read more testimonials? Check out the Preg Massage Therapy facebook page