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Changes in Your Body during Pregnancy

By Published On: June 22nd, 2015
Pregnant woman facing body changes in pregnancy

Conception is the most wonderful experience cherished by most women. The feeling of motherhood is glamorous as it symbolizes graduation from one social cadre to the next. During pregnancy, the body experiences some physical and emotional changes. This changes may either be early alerts that indeed you are pregnant or that you are about to deliver. Let as have a look at this changes that occurs after conception.

Missed Periods

“I missed my periods.”

This statement must have been had some times. Missed periods is an early sign that indeed the egg has been fertilized. Ladies who experience a normal cycle will know when they are supposed to be having their next menses. Implantation of the fertilized egg to the uterus leads to some conformational changes in the body that alerts the brain does not activate the complex biochemical pathway that breaks down the uterus leading to menses. It is important to note that not all missed periods signify pregnancy some may be due to physiological stress, however a missed period is an early sign of pregnancy and for further confirmation you can take a pregnancy test that is much accurate.


During the early days of pregnancy, the body is tirelessly working to adjust to the new status. This process uses much energy more so in the first trimester of the pregnancy. The lower energy in the body leads to general body fatigue.

Morning sickness

This is the feeling of nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy. It occurs between 4-6 weeks of pregnancy among close to three-quarters of all pregnant women. Though little is known about its main cause, it is postulated to arise due to hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy and increased sensitivity. It is proven that the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen rises rapidly in the early weeks of pregnancy that coincides with nausea and vomiting thus linking them as possible causes of nausea.

Seesawing emotions/ mood swings

This phenomenon is common among all pregnant women right from 1-40 weeks of pregnancy. This is attributed to the flooding of pregnancy hormones in your system that may cause one to cry over the color of the cup or a broken class. If you experience this scenario of mood swings, worry not as it is not your take but a hormonal change that arises in all expectant women.

Varicose veins

As an expectant mother, you are most likely to experience bulging veins in your valve and legs. This arises due to the extra weight of the developing fetus and hormonal changes. They are most likely to ache and also unattractive.


There is increased the level of fluid retention in the body in pregnant women. Swollen legs, fingers, ankles, and face are a common experience among the expectant mothers. This arises due to the release of hormones that slow down the excretion of excessive fluids by the body that in turn accumulate in the tissues leading to the swellings.

Breast changes

Many women will experience a change in their breast during the early days of pregnancy. You are most likely to have an increase in size, tenderness and also some sort of pain in your breast. This is because hormones are usually released that prepares the breast for breastfeeding in all expectant mothers.


Pregnant women are more prone to heartburn. This is because hormones are released in the body that slows down the process of digestion to give time for maximal absorption of nutrients. This hormone functions by causing relation of the digestive tract, prompting food to stay longer in the stomach hence leading to heartburn.


Due to the slow rate of digestion, pregnant women are most likely to experience cases of constipation, bloating and gas. It would be important to take fiber and stool softeners to counter constipation.


Pregnant women are most likely to have a craving for the most outrageous things one could list expect. Some would crave to eat soils, others sand and even coal. Know scientific evidence has been able to explain some of this weird cravings. Sometimes doctors advise pregnant women to take prenatal vitamins that are rich in iron, and this may help curb some of the cravings.

Urination and leaking

You are most likely to have frequent urinations towards the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. The urination feeling if caused by the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the bladder. At 40 weeks of pregnancy, you are most likely to lose control of your bladder hence notice some urine leakage. This is due to the intense pressure exerted the bladder and at times the pressure might be as well be too much on the rectum leading to cases of lose bowel.

Vaginal changes

The vaginal lining tends to grow thicker and become less sensitive. At times, you are likely to notice some thin whitish discharge from the vagina that apparently is normal during pregnancy. You are also likely to experience mild vaginal bleeding.

Swelling belly

This is the most common change in the body that occurs in all pregnant women. As the fetus grow in the uterus, it pushes the belly out hence causing it to bulge out. Though there is variance in the size and timing of the bulging, all women will have an increase in the belly size from late first trimester to the last trimester.


Pregnancy comes with some changes that we all need to be aware of so that we do not freak out in the event that we notice them and mostly if it is your first pregnancy. To know more about your mesmerizing journey, week by week, as the baby grow you can watch this 40 weeks pregnancy video.



