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About Fast Track Learning Pte Ltd (FTL)

By Published On: February 20th, 2013

About Fast Track Learning Pte Ltd (FTL)

Founded in 2010, FTL is all about building Foundations That Last. We are educators dedicated to the cause of education rather than purely the pursuit of grades. Your child can learn skills that will benefit her for a lifetime with confidence and discipline. Together with parents, tutors and schools, we can help your child learn Fast, in a way that Targets specific areas, and most importantly, that matches your child’s actual Level of understanding. FTL is committed to the continual enrichment of the next generation through education.

About the Founders

FTL is currently run by 3 directors, with a combined experience of over 50 years in the corporate field and educational industry. The passion for educating the next generation with sustainable results has led us in a continual quest for the most effective tools and strategies from all over the world. This quest has cumulated in the adoption of proven methodologies and software in each of FTL’s programmes for children aged between 4-12 years old.

About our Services

Software suite – CAMI (Computer Aided Mathematics Instruction), for educators, by educators.
This is a PC-based suite of 3 separate tools to help children develop Mathematics, Reading and Perceptual skills. Since 1985, over 800,000 children in 8 countries all over the world have benefited from the power of the CAMI Edusuite. The software is created and continually refined by principals in actual schools, and online updates are available once every 2 weeks. Children learn at a sustainable pace through the CAMI way i.e. 3 times a week, 20 minutes each.

CAMI Perceptual skills: This is the fundamental tool required by young children between 4-6 years old to recognize patterns such as colours, shapes, letters and numbers. Parents who are looking to guide their children through a quick introduction into learning the fun way may consider this software even if their child is 2-3 years old.

CAMI Mathematics: With over 27 years’ track record in actual schools, CAMI Mathematics is undoubtedly the fastest software in the market. It enables children aged 4-12 years old get through maximum drill and practice in a fun way with immediate feedback and verifiable results. At higher levels, children are taken through sums step by step without being judged as ‘wrong’ during the process.

CAMI Reader: This is a powerful tool that encourages children between 4-12 years old to develop good reading habits. There are no fewer than 8 separate tools that help educators and parents understand any challenges in reading that the child may have, including dyslexia. Additionally, the child is guided not only to read but also effectively comprehend content across various contexts.

FTL is the only active distributor in Singapore. We take clients through no-obligation evaluation session of about 90 minutes to determine the specific needs of the child, which can be done on-site or at our centre near Novena (at least 10 working days prior booking). Alternatively, parents may register with MyPregnancy.sg for a trial DVD worth $120/- (effective for 14 days after installation) to check out the software suite for themselves.

Misconceptions & Objections for the FAQ section (adopted from FTL website)

Is there support for my child after we have purchased the software?

After the software has been installed, our Education and Installation team are available to assist you over the telephone and through email during office hours.

Is there training for the software?

Yes. When the program is installed, training will be provided by our Installation team.

What do I do if there is a problem with the software?

Feel free to contact us via email or phone during office hours to address technical issues

What other options do I have besides using the software at home?

As the development of each child is a highly individual process, we would recommend you consider enrolling them in face-to-face classes as well. These services are located at centres at various locations, where your child can receive further guidance and understanding that caters to her unique characteristics.

What happens if my child does not use the software?

In most cases we have found that the more often children uses the software, the more they want to use it as they find themselves thinking faster and more efficiently. To further enhance the environment of encouragement and positive motivation to your child, you may consider enrolling your child into face-to-face sessions, so that your child can improve in an effective and enjoyable way.

Is the program available in schools?

We welcome queries made by schools. In fact, the software was designed by principals in primary schools for use by students in a classroom setting. Feel free to contact us via email.