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Hypnosis for Fertility – Help for Couples Trying to Conceive

By Published On: June 25th, 2012

Having difficulties conceiving is frustrating for any couple – especially if they never imagined such a thing would happen to them. For young, healthy couples being able to start a family whenever they are ready is something they often take for granted will happen easily when the the time comes. So when that is not the case it is often devastating.

Sometimes the cause of a couple’s infertility is easy to diagnose and treatment plans and other measures can be put in place to try and address the issues head on. In many cases though even they undergo test after test the cause of a couple’s conception difficulties just cannot be pinpointed and no one can give the frustrated would be parents any real answers at all.

That the reason for a couple’s infertility is unknown can often be a very good thing though.If no physical problems can be found then the chances are that the problem may be an emotional one, often related to stress. Trying to conceive can become very stressful when things are not going to plan. The time couples spend together trying for a baby can become a nightmare of invasive medical procedures, charts, timers, record keeping and pressure instead of the wonderful, enjoyable time it they had once expected it would be.

Hypnosis for Fertility? Really?

For couples who are having difficulties becoming pregnant the time often comes to begin looking at alternative methods to try and help them conceive. These days one method that is gaining popularity very quickly is hypnosis for fertilty – often called HypnoBirthing instead.

Using hypnosis to help increase fertility is at first a strange idea for many but the research that is being done into the practice as it becomes more popular is actually very promising indeed. In 2006 a team of researchers from the Soroka University in Israel followed a group of women undergoing various IVF treatments. Some of the would be Mums were hypnotized during the delicate embryo transfer process and some were not. In the end 28% of the women who who hypnotized conceived successfully while only 14% of those who were not were so lucky.

Although they are not able to be sure in any way medical professionals and researchers think that hypnosis helps fertility and increases the chances of successful conception because not only can it be used to help relieve stress but also to lower the blood pressure and even increase the immune system’s efficiency – all very beneficial things for a couple trying to conceive, especially for the would be Mum.

Many hypnotherapists also say that often they find that a woman – or a couple – have unconscious fears about impending parenthood that they themselves are not really aware of and that a course of hypnotherapy can address and remove those fears and stresses, making conception less stressful and therefore easier.

HypnoBirthing – An Ongoing Process

While a couple is trying to conceive following a program like HypnoBirthing they meet with a therapist on a regular basis for formal sessions. If a would be Mum is to undergo a medical intervention in the form of IVF treatments usually the therapist will also be there so that she can be hypnotized prior to the procedure, in the same way as the Israeli women were.

For many couples conceiving successfully does not mean that they are done with hypnosis. Increasingly it is also being used as a method to help make the labor and birth process easier as well. Often a hypnotherapist will teach a mother to be simple self hypnosis techniques that she can use herself during her labour process to help calm her and relive stress, even pain without the need for anyone else to be involved.

It seems that using hypnosis techniques during the birthing process is also very successful. Recent research found that it can help reduce the need for pain medications and shorten the amount of time a woman is actually in labor.

Finding a Hypnotist.

Not all hypnotists are familiar with the “Hypnobirthing” concept or even with the idea that hypnosis can be helpful to couples having conception difficulties in the first place. Therefore if the idea interests you you may have to look quite hard before you find the right person to help you. Some OB GYNS are warming to many “alternative” practices and may be able to recommend someone to you or you can try using a referral service like Parent Link to help you locate a practitioner.