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How to organize your laundry time

By Published On: July 19th, 2013

Laundry is tedious, and it becomes even more so once baby comes along.  Those teeny tiny pieces of clothing are quite a handful, so sometimes we choose to let it all pile up.  In this article, we dissect why laundry is a chore and how to turn it into a cheerful task for mums, dads and toddlers alike.

The root of tediousness of laundry – the constant sorting and searching.  These two repetitive tasks makes laundry time longer than it should be.

When exactly are these two cardinal sins committed?

  1. When we sort the whites from darks before dumping them in the washer.
  2. When we fish out itsy bitsy kid’s clothing from among the adult ones to hang them on the washing line.
  3. When we search for a sock’s/mitten’s lost twin after the washing dries.
  4. When we sort through a pile of clean clothes before folding them into tumbling piles in our bedrooms/ living rooms/ laundry area.
  5. When we pick up socks that fall onto the floor while we’re transferring folded piles of clothes to the wardrobe.

Edits Inc will now attempt to bust these time-globbers one by one and turn your laundry cycle from 2.5 hours of tedium to 45 minutes of bliss.  The trick – organize, organize, organize (in the right way, of course).

Folks, do try this at home.

Tip #1:  Organize your laundry area

The equipment and supplies needed for doing laundry should be categorized, organized and clearly displayed so that you can grab the item you need quickly and get laundry done fast. (Source: hollandclosets.com)

Keep items of the same category together, on shelves, wire baskets or tiered trays.  There are loads of ways to do this, so get those creative juices flowing.  Just remember to keep it out the reach of your kids.

  • For the washing machine:  detergent, softener, small laundry mesh bags, laundry balls.
  • For the clothes line:  clothes pegs, hangers
  • For ironing:  iron, small water jug, ironing board

Use a container with multiple compartments to store clothes pegs of various sizes – it’ll make finding the right-sized peg a cinch.

Only the supplies you use should be kept in the laundry area.  Dump any extras in the store room – else they will overwhelm the working area in your laundry room.

Tip #2:  Turn your laundry bin into a sorting bin

When your laundry bin becomes the sorting bin, your dirty clothes will be ready to go straight into the wash when it’s laundry time.  This article tells you how to build one of your own, or you can get one of these from IKEA.

Alternatively, mount several hooks in the laundry area and hang small laundry mesh bags on them – those that are usually used for washing delicates.  Use detachable hooks from 3M if you can, as your laundry needs will change as your kid grows.

Label the laundry sortation bags as follows (for kids clothing only):

  • Light tops and bottoms
  • Dark tops and bottoms
  • Socks, mitts, tights, etc.
  • Bibs

After disrobing junior, just toss his/her clothes in the right bag.  When a bag is full, toss it in the wash.  This way, you’ll never lose a sock or bib ever again.  Important side note:  remember to fasten up the velcro of the bibs before chucking them in the bag or else they’ll shred your fluffy towels to bits.  Also, turn the socks inside out to prevent fluffing on the outside.

When you have a laundry basket with multiple compartments, the clothes can go straight from the basket to the washer without you having to sort through it. That’s 15 minutes shaved off your laundry time!!  (Copyright:  Edits Inc.)

When the kids are about 2 or 3 years old and can undress themselves, they can then be taught to match their dirty clothes with the right laundry bag.  This is a great way to start them on their fare share of the chores, while keeping it fun at the same time.

By following these two tips alone, we guarantee you’ll shave at least 30 minutes off your laundry time.  No more incessant sorting and searching for items because you would’ve busted time-globbers #1 through #3 above.  Now you have a straightforward process from laundry basket to washer to the drying line – with everything already sorted.

Some parents are concerned about washing kids and adult clothes together, but if it isn’t an issue for you (especially when the kids are older), we suggest dumping the adult and kids clothes in the same wash, since it’s easier to make up a full load.  And since the baby’s laundry is now in their separate mesh bags, there’s no more worrying those teeny clothing will getting lost.

Stoked and can’t wait to bust the final two time-globbers?  Look out for our next article.

In the mean time, try out our tips and let us know what you think.  We love comments and feedback.


source of featured image:  icouldcrybutidonthavetime.wordpress.com