Home|Organization|Messy? Disorganized? Clutter Be Gone! Edits-Inc To The Rescue…
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Messy? Disorganized? Clutter Be Gone! Edits-Inc To The Rescue…

By Published On: May 14th, 2013

If visiting friends’ homes are a weekend “hobby” (by virtue of necessity), try a game of mentally rating the clutter level of each home you visit.  You’ll find that those with children between the ages of 0 to 7 have it the worst.  Kids in that age bracket need constant tending-to.  With the arrival of babies, somehow time, money and space seem to shrink like cotton t-shirts after their first wash.  For sleep-starved parents, keeping the home clean and clutter/dust/insects/germs-free often feels like raging war with an unrelenting tide.

As a parent, you already have enough on your hands.  Putting up with messes and piles of what-nots in your designer home does not need to be part of your job scope.  Which is why we are here to help.

Edits Inc is on a mission to decode home management (with babies in tow) into simple, easy and quick tips that’ll help make your home run like clockwork, and are light on the pocketbook.  No more laundry pile-ups, diaper-change frenzies, toy hazards and milk-powder-dusted countertops.  Just peaceful and unhurried time to enjoy your little one’s company in an organized, spacious, clean and safe environment.  It’ll bring you even more joy to being a parent – so much that you’ll probably think of having another baby soon!!

About San

Haw-San Au-Yong (San, for short) is a trained industrial engineer with 3 masters degrees.  Before coming up with the insane idea of starting a business in the almost-unheard-of field of professional organizing, she cut her teeth in several multinational logistics companies.  For a number of years (we shan’t say how many), San ran projects in warehouse layout design, process re-engineering and logistics process design for product launches.

Trained in the ninja art of spotting efficiency-killers (aka kaizen) by virtue of her corporate days, her mind is constantly on a whirl.  She likes thinking up innovative and sometimes unconventional ideas to help the average folk accomplish more with less time, money and space.  While cavernous warehouses were previously her playing field, she now works with average-sized homes and offices instead,.  However, by applying the design principles used in laying out a warehouse, San is able to achieve the same objectives as before – maximizing the usage of a space and minimizing time spent on an activity.

When faced with clutter problems, San’s approach is to get to the root of the issue before helping her clients to build simple frameworks to understand how they should interact with their physical spaces.  By distilling issues into simple process-based solutions, San is able to effect more lasting changes in her client’s behavior, resulting in a permanent banishment of clutter.

Lest anyone thinks that her storage designs are efficient but boring, San loves combining aesthetics with her engineering sensibilities.  True to her Libra temperament, she has a penchant for things that combine form with function, and loves sharing a good bargain.  Her favourite haunts are homeware stores that shares her design philosophy – IKEA, Muji, friendly neighborhood shops, Daiso and Popular.

Although San is still single, she did quite a bit of field research interviewing like-minded parents who agreed to be her guinea-pigs.  The series of articles you will soon read is a result of that.  San now feels she can take on baby-sitting duties with much aplomb and has even considered starting a nanny business in the future.